Soooo, I've been gone for a minute...haven't blogged much. Guess I'll catch y'all up on what I've been up to. Friday, I had my first speech in communications...I wore this. The pattern of this shirt is insane. My dad bought this for my little brother in Indonesia in 95 I think. This is genuine retro you see riiiighthurrcuh. lol:

Yhe speech was title "any old bag" and the objective required each student to bring in 3 items that represent your past, present and future. For my past, I brought in this stuffed animal my mum bought for me in the gift shop in the hospital back in 2006 after my surgery.
For my present, I brought in my phone charger to express that I finally know what I want out of life and I am actively pursuing it. I am in plugged IN to life.
For my future, I brought in my lens cap. And, that was to show that I'm trying to turn something I love into a business. Photography being my main focus....for now... but yeah. It went smooth, barely felt nervous.
Quick Q&A: if you were asked to do the same speech, what items would you bring in?
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