Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Aura of what precisely? I'm not at all certain. You be the judge? lol anyway doe. These pictures are from yesterday's outing. I'm really growing tired of being around people who aren't at all familiar with skill of photographing. /: I can't begin to express to you how annoying it is. So here we are, my sister, my cousin and I, on our way back home and I decide to stop by this park to take pictures. All of a sudden, I became overwhelmed with the desire to take a piss. lol sorry I couldn't think of any other subtle way to put it. So yeah, I ask my sister to take the pictures real quick so we can head home soon after. After numerous attempts, I handed the camera over to my cousin assuming her photo taking skills were a bit more neat than my sister's; they were. Most of these shots were hurried due to the fact that it was exceptionally chilly outside coupled with the fact I had to take a fucking leak. lol. Blogger does a horrible job at accurately documenting the time and date of my entries so with that said, it is currently 6:38 A.M. on May 24th, 2011. I hate that it does that and I'm not sure how to change it! Ugh. Moving on, I can foresee plenty nights spent on exchanging sleep with moments spent on the computer either blogging or editing photos over the summer. It's inevitable. I tend to have long-busy-days, followed by long nights in the summer, leaving no room for slumber.
Why do I look sinfully-short in pictures? *runs off into the distance, crying hysterically*



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