Tooting my own creative horn when I state, I am so clever. Garden of Hedons--Hedonism--not to be confused with Heathenism--is defined as the pursuit of pleasure. The title of this post is undoubtedly a name fit for an electro-pop band or maybe Indie-pop. That's it: I'm gonna start a band. Who wants in? I digress. Forgive my world play on the "Garden of Eden" if you are an overly devout Christian. Moving on--fourth day of class, I believe this was. Gorgeous weather that day, the swelling on my knee had grown barely noticeable. I celebrated by wearing shorts, of course. As gorgeous as these shorts are, I've only worn 'em 3 times. This being the third time. Wish i had more interesting details to share from this day, but my memory fails me. On to the photographs:
hit the jump to see the rest of the photographs. (:
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