Monday, April 30, 2012


Filmed by: Joe Cavallini

Shortly after sharing Eric Sosa's video for a track titled, "Hate", I found myself perusing visual artist, Joe Cavallini's Vimeo account; it was then that I stumbled upon this magnificent work of Art. The video features Brooklyn-based graffiti writer, Vik, whom, originally from Warsaw, is noted the "The Wonder Woman of Street Art. Upon the conclusion of this video, I concur.

Living in New York City, it proves quite difficult to neglect various city walls and buildings, adorned in a myriad of oolours, shapes and images; all works of incredibly talented graffiti Artists, both past and current. Whether it be a work of deviance or expression, which is all the same when you give it great thought, it still amplifies the overall allure and appeal that is New York city. I have always found myself overly captivated and infatuated by the works of graff Artists considering the fact that they are prone to creating on such large canvases. Imagine the depth of vision and meticulousness that must require? Have you encountered the deep sense of bewilderment inspired by spotting a graffiti piece on the top of water-tower? Or an incredibly tall building? I bet you wondered, "how and who the hell mustered up the strength to get up there and create that?" Amazing. Peace.


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