[5-3-12] - It has been my greatest delight and plight to be an introverted extrovert. Incredibly paradoxical, yes. I thrive on moments spent within myself, yet I am open to establishing an effortless unification with others. When I find goodness and wholeness and Love in someone or no-one at all, my aim is to never part with it. The thing is that it must flow naturally, like water and grow gradually, like Nature. I have expressed this many times, but I always feel the need to reiterate each time someone wonders the purpose of my sudden absence or leave from their circle or realm of existence. The behavior is inherent; it's not as though I have much say over it. Can it be manipulated? Yes. But that goes against my principles. It would require me to feign a sense of excitement by simply being in whomever's presence. And, that I don't condone, nor do I practice. I am not in the least bit apologetic about it, either.
These photographs were taken towards the conclusion of last semester by my good-friend, Ashley. It was right about those crucial last-couple-of-weeks. Y'know - the moment between panicking simply 'cause you fervent slacking has caught up with you and relaxation 'cause all of the hard work invested from start, to finish, has inevitably paid off. I am proud to state I was with the latter. Which, believe it or not, has been a bit of a rare occasion. I am a procrastinator and it ails almost as much as you can imagine. If you can help it, avoid procrastinating. Conversely, if you can't, still - avoid it. Peace.
love the outfit xoxo
Thank you so! x
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