The only thing that was really remotely exciting about my entire week is me drinking my first alcoholic beverage as a 21 year old (wooohooooo). I don't even know what order to post these photos. I feel like I should post both outings in this one um post? lol. I couldn't find any other word to use. LOL ok so the pics with me in a turqoise blazer is from Applebees on Monday and the military jacket is from T.G.I.Fridays on Friday! Mmmk? (;

My grub I got from Applebees

Sneaking off to the bathroom to take pictures in the middle of your birthday dinner is totally normal. Pffft.

LMAO these pictures are alllll out of order.
Eh, whatever. You'd be glad to learn that my Friday night ended perfectly with me losing $70 some odd dollars in cash. ~__~
Can't dwell on that though, anything lost can be found again...well, except for time wasted. (food for thought)
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