Yeah, I promise you: yesterday was the LAST good weather over here. I had no idea it was gonna be that warm. And I "naired" my legs some days before so I had to wear some shorts and go catch the sun ^_^
Another thing is: ever since my laptop went on strike and REFUSES to turn on, I aim to do little self shoots on the weekends, 'cause I know I'll be near a computer at school! Yaknow? And I usually wear one of the outfits I wore for my self shoot on a Monday...with a slight twist. I can NEVER repeat the same outfit consecutively or even wear it EXACTLY the same way. Something always has to change. Anyways, if you can see my eye makeup, you'll know why it looks like that in a couple posts or so. lol I got lazy and didn't feel like wiping stuff off and such...*sigh* excuuuuuuuuse me!

I look petite. not that i'm arguing, i secretly wanted to remain at 5'4. I'm content at 5'6 though (:
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