Thursday, April 7, 2011


Every time Ronaldo and I have a shoot, we always end up venturing off to the strangest and most creepy places. lol actually, it's always more of him and leading and me following. He's more familiar with this city than I am. Last shoot we had, for my lookbook, we went to some abandoned railroad tracks and some old saloon that's been there since likeee, the 50s and what not. The saloon is in the process of being transformed to an antique store/event venue. It was just so eerie in there. This time around, we ventured off to this art gallery that's conveniently located in the middle of nowhere. It was dark and the ground was still wet from the rain from the previous night, there were all kinds of strange looking sculptures and such in the front yard. It was like a warehouse, basically. We weren't certain if it was open or not, we just kinda, waltzed in and hoped to bump into somehome human. Anyways, long story short, through all my precautious whining and what not, we always end up meeting interesting people and establishing connections. It's great! No risk, no reward!
Anyways, here are some shots from the shoot:
Yezzir. Much more to come. I'll release my lookbook in its entirety as soon as I shoot the last look. Cool? OK, cool.


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