Daze--days--see what I did there? I am exactly two weeks deep into the fall semester and I can boldly state: so far, so good. I pray it stays that way. The delight of my first day of classes was sligtly tainted due to the fact I got bit by some nefarious bug and the result was a swollen knee-cap. Seriously, who's familiar with the 2002 rendition of the movie
"Mr Deeds"? Remember the scene where the reporter claims she's a nurse of some sort while they were in a diner in his hometown? And some old guy says something along the lines of, "what do you suppose I do about this?" and proceeds to pop what appeared to be a ball of extra-overly-elastic-skin? Or was it his kneecap that he snapped? Lol. Well, the swelling on my knee was the size of that elastic-skin-whatever. I had to resort to wearing pants. In the heat. But, it wasn't that bad, I suppose.

Hit the jump to see the rest of the photographs.
P.S.: I plan to wear this hat until my heart retires. I've always wanted a practical black fedora and I finally have it. I had all these outfits all clustered in my imagination and they are delighted to be set free. Lol. Overly delighted, actually.
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