Saturday, July 7, 2012


Image Hosted by Image Hosted by Image Hosted by [3-4-12] - That's the third of April to eliminate any possible presence of confusion.

A couple months ago - actually, Valentine's day to be exact, I was contacted by a LA-based online boutique better known as, Sugar Lips. I was asked to be a part of their blogger-affiliates program to which, I agreed. Overly excited by the opportunity, I immediately began sifting through the content of their site to find a suitable piece. Now, if you're familiar with my usual taste in garments, and you have just clicked on the THIS hyperlink to satisfy your curiosity, you would have concluded by now that for the most part, their merch is not necessarily my cup of tea. But, that was then. In this past 4 short months, the Sugar Lips. team has managed to wow me with each batch of "new arrivals", expanding its range to cater to fashion-Loving individuals of different styles. This piece, however - this retro-structured T-shirt - is absolutely amazing in its own little way. I was most taken by the zipper detail along the shoulder line. When I received the package, I was even more taken by the fabric and even more so when, in the glory of my clumsiness, spilled a bit of Pepsi(*palms face*) on it and watched as it slithered down and failed to absorb. Now, usually when I wear white, I am already conscious of the inevitability of it getting stained by the day's end. But...I digress.

Again, I will like to extend my appreciation for the opportunity, Sugar Lips; beyond grateful. Image Hosted by


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