LOL, so as well all know, it's been raining like mad this past week making it difficult for plans to be made and KEPT. That was definitely the situation for me last weekend. What happened was, I booked a shoot with one of my favorite liddle Asians, this was before the rain fall REALLY began to hit, oh and I'm not gonna sit here and act like TEFFTOPIA wasn't on a brief hiatus, lol forgive me, I'm back on IT. Yameeen??? Anyways, yeah long story short, nothing happened and I was left sitting at home, with NOTHING to do. And then I started thinking to myself how I can't wait for the winter time 'cause of the natural light after a snow fall. Yaknow? it's all a beautiful shade of blue and what not? Then I realized that ummm, yeah it's the same after a rain fall! DUH. I ran into my room and cooked these photos up. Yasss.

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